The Delight of My Heart

The Delight of My Heart

~A Mother's Journey Through Grief~

"Christine Alfaro and her husband, Christopher, recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. During that time, they have been blessed with 11 children, ranging in age from 11 to 29, and 4 grandchildren. They live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

As a wife and mother, Christine has a unique and very personal view of what it means to surrender herself to the will of God. Her experience of learning how to surrender to God's will came at a great price as she faced every parent's worst nightmare-the loss of a child. Only she faced it not just once, but 4 times.

Journey with Chris as she walks this road of suffering, tremendous pain, and ultimately total surrender...a road that led her to unfathomable joy. I know of no one who has heard her story and remained untouched or unchanged.

This book was written straight from her heart to God's to yours. May it touch and change you as much as witnessing her journey in person has changed me."   -Kathy Barth